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Mom’s Challah, With A Twist Of Weed

Writer's picture: JeffThe420ChefJeffThe420Chef

There is hardly anything more enjoyable on a Friday night than a pot Shabbat dinner — complete with canna-challah and potso-ball soup! I have made many challah’s in my day, and experimented with countless recipes, but hands down, my mother’s challah recipe is literally the best I have ever made…or had. So I decided to “kick it up a notch” (as Emeril says) with my favorite herb and some fun toppings. Bon appétit and Shabbat shalom!

Canna Challah

Makes 2 challah loaves/15 slices per challah

Approximate Potency: 88mg THC per challah/3-6mg THC per slice (based on canna-oil made with 4 grams of cannabis with 18% THC infused into 5 ounces of oil.)

Note: Best when dough is mixed, kneaded and let rise in a bread machine.



2 eggs (room temperature) + enough water to make 1½ cups

1 teaspoon Lemon juice

4½ cups bread flour

2 teaspoons salt

2¼ tablespoons sugar

2¼ teaspoons yeast

Toppings: sesame seeds or a mix of kosher salt, hemp seeds, dried crushed garlic and onion flakes


  1. Put eggs and water in a bread machine and add remaining ingredients (except toppings). Set machine on “dough” setting and allow mixture to knead and rise in machine for 1 hour.

  2. Transfer to floured board.

  3. Knead for 5 more minutes on floured board until dough is compliant and not sticky.

  4. Divide dough into 2 equal halves. Divide each half into 3 equal parts.

  5. Roll out each of the 3 parts into 12”-long ropes and about as thick as a nickel.

  6. Braid 3 strips to form the bottom of the challah. Repeat this process for the top of the challah. HOWEVER, you must reverse the direction of the top layer before you place it on top of the bottom. Repeat for 2nd challah.

  7. Brush the tops and sides of both challahs with egg yolk. Sprinkle with sesame seeds, or for an added twist try a mix of kosher salt, hemp seeds, dried crushed garlic and onion flakes.

  8. Place both challah’s on parchment paper on a baking pan, cover with a cloth towel and let rise for 1 hour.

  9. Bake at 340º F for 23–25 mins or until a deep golden brown. Remove from oven, cool for 30 minutes on wire rack, and voilà!


Article Originally published on Forward: View original article

Reprinted from The 420 Gourmet” by JeffThe420Chef. Copyright © 2016 by JeffThe420Chef. Reprinted courtesy of Harper Wave, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

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