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Writer's picture: JeffThe420ChefJeffThe420Chef

Potting image

By the end of week 2 (or sometimes towards the end of week 3), your plants should be about 3-4 inches tall. This is the perfect time to transfer them to a larger pot and bring them into their new outdoor environment.

For this stage you want to transfer them to a small outdoor pot. 4 inch square

form pots are ideal for this stage. Fill the bottom of each pot with about 2 inches of potting soil, then place your hand on top of the plastic cup, allowing your plant to come through your fingers between the third and fourth finger, turn upside down and gently remove the plant with its roots and soil from the small cup. Transfer the plant to the 8 inch planter with drainage holes and carefully secure the plant by filling the pot with more soil until the soil comes just about to the top of the pot. Carefully water your plant ensuring that it is standing straight in the center of the pot and place in an area where it will get direct sunlight but not too much heat.

Make sure that you are using a nutrient rich organic soil throughout this process. I have always had the best results with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. It’s great for growing cannabis and hemp outdoors.

Water every 2-3 days. A good way to test whether or not your plans already for water is to stick your index finger into the soil up to the first knuckle if it is dry what are your plans if it’s still damp, wait another day.


You can purchase seeds from a seed bank. I got mine from Home Grown Cannabis Co., they have a wide range of seeds available to choose from. I choose Matanuska, Lemon OG, Maracuya, and Amnesia since they grow better outdoor

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Struggling with assignments can be frustrating, but finding the right support makes all the difference. NewAssignmentHelp connects students with professionals who truly understand academic needs. Jones Miller, with her master’s degree and deep understanding of various subjects, has been a game-changer for so many students. The personalized approach they offer ensures every project stands out, and I’ve seen how impactful their services can be. Don’t let stress hold you back—solutions are out there!


Alice Gomez
Oct 07, 2024

In discussing the Potting Weeks 2-3, it's crucial to highlight the importance of proper plant care during this stage.

  • Soil Quality: Ensure you're using high-quality potting mix for optimal growth.

  • Watering Schedule: Regular, but not excessive, watering is essential to prevent root rot.

  • Light Conditions: Monitor your plants' light exposure; too much or too little can hinder growth.

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